You can still get counted for the 2020 U.S. Census during the current public health emergency. Prince Georgians can complete the census online from home, via phone at (844) 330-2020, or by mail.
You can complete the census online or by phone in 13 different languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Tagalog, Polish, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Japanese.
When the Library is open, every branch has a dedicated public computer station for completing the 2020 Census. By getting counted, Prince Georgians are each responsible for bringing $18,250 in federal funds to the community.
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the U.S. Census Bureau has adjusted 2020 Census operations.
The 2020 Census marks the first time that you can respond to the census online, by phone, or by mail. Sign up below for updates and to get a reminder when it's time to respond.
An accurate count is critical to communities across the country. Don't let misinformation keep your friends and family members from responding.
One of the best ways you can show your support for the 2020 Census is by making sure you know the facts. Review basic facts about the 2020 Census and how the Census Bureau protects your data—and then share these facts with others.
If you have questions about something you've heard about the census, visit Fighting 2020 Census Rumors to get the most accurate information. You can also report rumors and misinformation at
Statistics in Schools (SIS) has created activities that focus on diversity in the United States, showing how differences in race, ethnicity, language, and other characteristics enhance the American tapestry and contribute to the strength of our country.
These teacher-created activities can easily be adapted for at-home instruction, and they will help to reinforce for children and their families the importance of responding to the 2020 Census.
In the list below, find the activity that matches your students’ grade level. Send a message to their parents or guardians with this description and its link to the activities, which they can download themselves. Explain that the teacher version of each activity provides more detailed instructions. Alternatively, you can download the activity and send it as an attachment.